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Our Community


We love running.

We love it when someone comes to one of our running events for the first time, and we see them cross that finish line.

We love it when someone who comes to our weekly running club improves their personal best in a race they run.

We love it when we someone shares a story, a goal or a moment with us on our online community.

We love running.

Where Our Running Club Meets

Our Clapham Running Club currently meet on Clapham Common by the The Windmill on the Common (Clapham Common South Side, London SW4 9DE) Monday evening at 7:00pm. Clapham Common is super flat and, during the winter, benefits from the street lights around the perimeter so we can see where we are all going!

We also have a RunThrough Race series in Clapham Common, so you can can train hard in your local race location! There is no charge to use Clapham Common for training so come along and enjoy a steady wind up run with the group. And don't forget, there are lots of different abilities so please don't think that there is any such thing as too slow! The Clapham sessions are currently being taken by the wonderful coach Clare.

Mondays @ 7:00pm

The Windmill, Clapham Common South Side, London, SW4 9DE

Meeting by the Windmill on the Common (pub), join us on Clapham Common at 7:00pm for a group warm up around the common and then interval session through the common lasting up to 30 minutes.

Where Our Running Club Meets
Some of Our Events
Hertfordshire Half Marathon at Knebworth House
Running GP
Palace Half Marathon
Olympic Park Half Marathon

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